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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Establish logistics section
  2. Forecast operational, planning and other incident activities including logistical requirements are determined
  3. Logistics section objectives and tasks are identified, in accordance with requirements of the incident action plan and Incident Controller’s intent
  4. Logistics structure for incident is developed and required logistical resources are identified and obtained
  5. Logistics units are established, tasks are delegated, and briefings are provided to personnel
  6. Safe work practices and health and welfare arrangements for work area are established
  7. Develop logistics plans
  8. Information for the development and implementation of logistics plans is identified and sourced
  9. Logistics plans are produced on time and provided to personnel for implementation
  10. Logistics plans and components of plans required for inclusion in the incident action plan are developed
  11. Incident management team members are briefed on progress of the logistics plans
  12. Manage activities for provision of logistics support
  13. Provision of food and drink to incident personnel, support staff and others is made, in accordance with organisational procedures, nutritional guidelines and nominated timeframes
  14. Transport for personnel, equipment, supplies and food is provided within required timeframes
  15. Equipment, vehicles and/or vessels are prepared, maintained and secured, as required
  16. Establishment and maintenance of staging areas is facilitated, in accordance with operational requirements
  17. Medical support is provided consistent with incident action plan requirements
  18. Communication systems, networks and equipment are established and maintained, in accordance with incident communications plan and incident action plan requirements
  19. Locations and facilities where personnel work, sleep, cook, maintain and repair equipment are selected, established and managed based onorganisational requirements
  20. Requests for resources, services, facilities and materials are met and feedback is provided
  21. Facilities, services and materials are procured consistent with organisational policies and procedures
  22. Resources, equipment and materials are accounted for at the conclusion of the incident
  23. Manage logistics processes
  24. Safe work practices and health and welfare arrangements are implemented and monitored
  25. Logistics section meetings are conducted, as required
  26. Work load and progress against logistics plans is monitored and maintained across work periods
  27. Logistics plans are reviewed to meet current and projected requirements throughout the incident
  28. Information exchange between logistics and other functional sections is maintained
  29. Relationships between logistics section, external organisations and providers are established and maintained
  30. Arrangements are made for a log and/or record of activities and decisions to be kept and maintained, in accordance with organisational procedures
  31. Participate in incident management team
  32. Strategic advice is provided to the incident management team about prioritisation and provision of resources, services, facilities and materials
  33. Incident management team is kept informed of logistical arrangements
  34. Incident Controller is briefed on analysis of progress against logistics portion of the incident action plan
  35. Liaison with incident management team members on logistics is undertaken
  36. Incident management team is kept informed of the status of inter organisational and external supplier arrangements
  37. Monitor and review logistics functions
  38. Demobilisation of the logistics section is planned and staged without compromising resources required to maintain response and support activities
  39. Incident reports are produced, as required
  40. Post incident analyses are initiated and participated in
  41. Briefings and debriefings are conducted